Message Number: SG18394 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2006-10-05 01:38:32 UTC
Subject: [ferrethealth] ferret with large leg tumor, possible calcium growth

This message is mostly for vets and those with related experience on the group who
may want info about this. My boy Petey is 5 1/2 and he had left adrenal surgery
about 2 1/2 years ago now. He had his left adrenal removed. The right adrenal was
cancerous and couldn't be removed. He also had his spleen removed at that time as
well as several insulinomas. He was given 3-6 months to live then. Since that time
he has had his ups and down, he has gone completely blind and deaf, but still gets
around just fine.

About 2 months ago he had a growth on his leg, the doctor first thought it was just
swelling but it kept growing around the bone. So they determined that its a tumor
that wrapped itself around the leg. Since that time, his right adrenal grew to an
enormous size, his organs are really enlarged, and he has tumors popping up
everywhere. The vets here are baffled and think that he has a type of bone cancer in
the leg or some bizarre calcium growth that isn't seen very often in ferrets. He acts
normal and is still happy and not in pain so we are letting him live out his life.

When he finally passes we are getting him necropsied at [specifics removed as per
rules] University by one of their top vets. The vets there are baffled by his condition
so they are going to necropy him for free just to learn more about his condition. He
will be performing a full necropsy on him, including blood samples, tissue samples,
organ weights, etc. He said he would be more than happy to share the info he
learns as well as pictures to any vets who want to learn more about this. If any vets
on this group are interested in learning more about this, please contact me off the
list. We will be happy to share any info we learn with you, since it sounds like this is
a pretty rare occurance.

I posted a similar post on a different group/list and I got a lot of emails from people
who claim that I am a horrible person for posting this info before my ferret dies. So
if you are not interested in learning more about this, please don't contact me. I
really am not a morbid person, I love my ferret Petey, but if his death can help other
ferrets, I'm more than willing to share the info with others.

[Moderator's Note: hopefully, the poster will be posting the outcome results so that
they can be available for all in the archives, or will otherwise make the results
available to any who want to learn, vet or not.

Meanwhile, this is a group which calls for members to be good to each other, and
we are all here to learn.

Many here have added to the knowledge base and as a result helped save other
ferrets by making sure that needed pathology work was done; it is a choice which
helps all.]

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