Message Number: SG17116 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2006-04-15 03:06:55 UTC
Subject: [ferrethealth] Dr. Jerry Murray has approved this post: adrenal disease cause no longer a hypothesis but now PROVEN

Trying this a second time since the first did not make it.


I have been in correspondence with Dr. Jerry Murray who didn't have time to write, but we wanted to make sure that the ferret community realizes that when the existing research is taken together we have a PROVEN cause of adrenal disease.

Dr. Murray writes and gives me permission to send along:
"Yes I would say it is a fact now that LH is
over stimulating the adrenal glands and that
causes the adrenal glands to go wild!
Plus spay/neuter and long day photoperiods increase
the LH levels. I'll be going over the pathogenesis in
Toronto! "

Yes, after all of these years it is no longer just a hypothesis. The gaps have been filled. Things which cause a persistent increase in the production of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) do cause adrenal disease. Some factors which are involved are neutering and too little complete darkness (which equals too little melatonin).

For those who want to learn more Dr. Murray will be going over the pathogenesis in the Canadian IFC Ferret Aid Symposium in just two months:

There is also some on-going work which may show whether there is a genetic component for some cases.

It seemed like it would be a joy for people to know that another very long term goal for improving ferret health has been achieved, and that this knowledge will help improve approaches to adrenal disease in ferrets.

-- Sukie (not a vet, and not speaking for any of the below in my private posts)
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