Message Number: SG15672 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2005-10-14 04:42:30 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] Calix needs some help

Calix will be 3 next month. Did I miss something? What is DIM? We did get another
med...clarithromycin...which he took well tonight. Hopefully this will do the trick...or
he just gets better on his own...whichever is fine with me ^.^

I did have a major breakdown today, but I'm better now that I've cried it out.
Sometimes you just have to hit bottom to go up any more. I have some pictures of
Calix if anyone would like to see them you can email me and I'll email you the links.
I have one of how well his tummy tooks from surgery after 6 days.


[Moderator's Note: DIM is a disease which did not fit your description. It is a rare
disease, with no proven survivors (though there have been two cases that sound like
it and may have either been it or something similar who survived) but no one knows
because the the needed pathology was never done. It is a disease of the muscles
with sepsis, and typically (but not always) a very high fever and a sky high (higher
than with lympho usually) white cell count but a good appetite if the ferret is
assisted with finger feeding. It occurs so far as an isolated case within a household
but clumps regionally and temporally, and affects ferrets who are juveniles or
sometimes ones who are in their prime years, so, yes, it is seen over age 1.5 years
but not as often.

There are a LOT of things being mislabeled as DIM, just as happens with a number
of GI woes mislabeled as being ECE. Some have good reason to be suspected as
being DIM (but without the right type of pathology work of a muscle biopsy by
either Dr. Mike Garner or Dr. Matti Kiupel, and consultation with the person who is
tracking all of the latest medical approaches: Dr. Katrina Ramsell, there is no way to
know. Because Dr. Ramsell recently gave her presentation at the AFA's vet
conference, the write-ups on websites will likely be soon updated.]

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