Message Number: SG15109 | New FHL Archives Search
From: "Carol Owens"
Date: 2005-08-20 22:46:03 UTC
Subject: dental health
To: "ferret health list" <>
Message-ID: <>

I use the CET paste for my ferrets. Most of them love it. If you can find
the short handled angled cat toothbrush by CET it works really well while
you hold the ferret. Otherwise the smallest extra soft baby toothbrush works
reasonably well.
A couple years ago I tried Marshall's Dental gel. I squirted some on the the
counter, hadn't wiped it up when Baby climbed up there, licked some up and
was miserable for the next few hours. It has baking soda in it and she blew
up like a balloon from the soda in her stomache. She did recover after a
while but I threw that stuff out.

Carol Owens,
