Message Number: SG14833 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2005-07-25 21:28:53 UTC
Subject: RE: Urinary Tract Infection?
Message-ID: <>

Although a urinary tract infection is possible what is much more likely given that history is that he had prostate inflammation due to an adrenal growth.

The next steps are to do pre-surgical testing and to test his urine as well (pH -- too low or too high can indicate stones of two different types and it also pays to check in case those are present when a ferret is not urinating right, blood, bacteria, concentration, etc.).

Surgery is typically the best approach when an adrenal growth causes prostate enlargement. If it can't be done right away then Lupron Depot shot, AND melatonin shot, AND ameds for enlarged prostates such as Proscar/Propecia will be needed.

A urinary blockage is the sort of thing which can quickly turn life threatening, so you need to make an appointment with a ferret right right away, please.