Message Number: SG14663 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2005-07-10 16:59:57 UTC
Subject: RE: baytril
Message-ID: <>

it is a good question, Lynne and I don't know. This site seems likely to be able to provide your answer:

Some meds simply should not be given with food, or with certain types of food, such as ones high in certain minerals.

Some meds should not be exposed to water or saliva (When these are in pill form they are usually well coated so it pays to check with a pharmacist to make usre those pills can be exposed to oils/fats like Ferretone or Nutrical to coat them and shield them till they reach the stomach.

Some meds had a cutting line and they can be safely cut with assurance that the meds are evenly spread throughout.

Meds without a cutting line need to be crushed and then very well mixed up, and then divided.

Some meds need to be stored in refrigeration, but that is not optimal for others.

Some need to be protected from light.

A number of meds need to be protected from excess heat or excess humidity.

With some meds heavy exercise needs to be avoided, and others can create wooziness.

The thing to do is to always ask the prescribing vet, or the pharmacy you use for the meds.

It can not and should not be assumed that what is right for one med is automatically right for others.