Message Number: SG13877 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2005-05-11 21:32:25 UTC
Subject: RE: Self-Administered Lupron
Message-ID: <>

Author wrote:
> We have 7 ferrets. We adopt those
> who are ill and unadoptable. Three
> sweethearts need Lupron monthly.
> Does anyone have experience giving
> Lupron injections at home and is there
> a substantial cost-saving?

Lupron is an intramuscular injection, or at least it is supposed to be. Do you have the experience to do this? I know that some give it subcutaneously, but that's not the way it should be done.

As for the cost saving... depends on your vet, I guess. My vet was charging $28 for a 150 mcg, one-month Lupron injection. That was a while ago, so it may have gone up some.

By the time you buy the syringes, needles, the Lupron AND do all this without compromising the sterility of any of it, then having to inject it in a muscle, I don't believe it's worth it to try to home administer it or if there would be any worthwhile savings.
