Message Number: SG13412 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Susie Hayes
Date: 2005-04-10 21:46:50 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] RE: Insulinoma/Lymphnosarcoma
Message-ID: <>

Wow, on prolapse or coccidia I read most al of it wish scares the crap out of me .
first thing in the morn Im calling my new vet wish said the word prolapse friday but
i let it go over my head may I have permission to print off some of this information
to take him when I take Bandit in plus im also making an appt for Obie to check on
this Lymphoma cause to be honest I dont think he has it but he does I know have
insulinoma along with 3 other shelter ferrets I have. Im glad now I posted about this
cause I had been so worried sick now for 3 weeks but Ill make sure the vet checks
this prolapse and coccidia out cause i do have a couple more ferrets acting like
Bandit does but not as bad as Bandit these are older ferrets in their 2 to 4 years of
age Bandit just a baby man this is scary.. the thing is i keep my cages spotless
everyday sometimes i have to clean them out twice a day how could he or they have
gottem it im very careful with these fuzzies and im ashamed of myself if its
what Bandit has.. Susan..