Message Number: SG13216 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2005-03-23 19:37:24 UTC
Subject: Weight loss
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My DEW, Boo seems to have lost some weight, his spine is more easily felt
then before.
He eats well, drinks and does his business as normal, eats his little piece
of banana just like always, moves around just fine but when I put some "tone"
on his stomach and lay him on his back he does not stay in that position like
he used to.
Being on a fixed income I don't run to the vet every time one of my fur kids
hic cups but this has me concerned as he has always been a pretty stout young
I don't know his age as he like the others were rescues but I would say
around four as a guess.
Any ideas as to why he would loose weight and should I go ahead and get him
into the vets?
Patrick and the crazy eight's