Message Number: SG12975 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2005-03-03 19:13:50 UTC
Subject: Pred and Insolinoma and longevity
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I have a question. In light of having two treatment options for
insolinoma (surgery and drug/diet), I wanted to ask about longevity concerning pred.
I don't ask about longevity with surgery, only because I"m assumsing it's just
far to variable to say? Or am I wrong and can someone give round about
guesses? If a ferret has severe to moderate symptoms of insolinoma and it's
controlled well with pred ... is there any reason to think that ferret won't live
comfortably for quite a while? Are we talking months or years? I'm going to
give a two ages to ask about. How about a four year old and how about a six
year old?
Of course, I'm asking vets what their take on the situation is, but I'm
very much curious to hear what shelters experiences are as well, etc.
