Message Number: SG9147 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-06-14 17:13:24 UTC
Subject: RE: Growth inside my babies neck?
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There are two different ferrets here. One has the growth inside his neck and the other had a mast cell tumor on the outside of his neck. The one I'm asking about has a growth from ear to ear underside of his neck (under muscle tissue don't know?). His blood work was more or less normal.

Our vet is great, she turned one of our males into a female,"his peepee was clogged up and to save his life she made him a peepee port like a female and he has control over when he goes so he still thinks it's bussiness as normal for him. Yes we have a great vet but she thinks it's cancer and if she opens him up it will kill him just to remove some of the mass. It looks to me that he is slowly going to choke to death as it gets bigger if it is not treated some how.