Message Number: SG9029 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Sukie Crandall
Date: 2004-06-06 15:34:22 UTC
Subject: RE: poisonous plants list
Message-Id: <>

> tml.

There are some differences between what is safe and what is not safe
when comparing lists of what poisons humans to lists of what poisons
members of Carnivora, though, so if doubt after seeing this very nicely
designed and easy to use list Carol found then compare it to the one
for our four footed friends at the ASPA site.

If you select on each plant name at the ASPCA site it will give you
details on how that plant can affect our family members, for example:

>Scientific Name: Aloe vera
>Family: Liliaceae
>Toxic Principle: saponins
>Clinical signs: vomiting, depression, diarrhea, anorexia, tremors,
change in urine color.

Toxic Plants (Notice that some of these are not poisonous to humans but
are to our companion animals):

Nontoxic Plants (Notice that some of these are poisonous to humans but
not to our companion animals.)

Using a combination of lists to make things safe for all, two and four
footed, will be best for a number of members.