Message Number: SG8943 | New FHL Archives Search
From: "Ulrike"
Date: 2004-05-27 18:57:24 UTC
Subject: RE: [ferrethealth] Anaesthetising ferrets
To: <>
Message-Id: <40B63A14.000001.03648@FERRETLOVE1>

Dear Dr Sue and everybody, thank you for answering my question. Since I
have seen my ferrets struggle, I will ask my vet not to use the gas chamber=

anymore as it just prolongs the anaesthetising. The ferrets still hate the=

mask but at least it's quicker.

I do have a question about the euthanasia though, it would be great if we
didn't have to use gas and stress them out during the last minutes of their=

lives. What injectable anaesthetic can we use? Are they injected SC or IM=
I always thought they needed to be given IV and that's why I never asked m=
vet to use it. If you could tell me which anaesthetic is best and the dose=
I'd really appreciate it.

I thought one of my ferrets needed a small operation today, that's why I
panicked last night as I didn't want another one to go through the gas
chamber procedure unnecessarily. Turns out, the lump had vanished so my
Tara didn't need an operation after all. :-)

All the best

West Wales Ferret Welfare
Last update 11/03/04 =

-------Original Message-------

I generally use a mask for surgery, they go sown much quicker since there i=
not all the wasted air in the environment. For Euthanasia, I do as Mike
mentioned, this was give an injectable anesthetic first. This way the
ferret can stay with you and feels very little. I use the gas and mask wit=
surgery since it is safer.

Dr. Sue
