Message Number: SG8680 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-05-04 18:17:35 UTC
Subject: RE: distended bladder/ update
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I just heard from the vet. He said Koda is doing well. He has reviewed the x-ray that were taken today. The vet doesn't seeny stones or sludge has he put it. He also said the prostate looks normal. He said his bladder this time was full just over what he would see as normal so a large normal. He did express the bladder today again. like he did last Thurs. He wants to put Koda on a med called Bethancol. He said this will help with bladder contractions. Does anyone have any knowledge of this Bethancol? The only problem the Vet brought up is that he is out of the Bethancol and won't have any in until Thurs. He said we shouldn't worry about Koda for now just to watch to make sure his is still urinating in small amounts but to call right away if we see him strain to go and nothing comes out. This makes me feel a little odd. Is there anyother things we could be doing to help Koda until the Bethancol comes in?
thanks again