Message Number: SG8556 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Mohr
Date: 2004-04-17 19:38:30 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] Feifals growth on his nose- anyone w/shared
experience or vets--please help
Message-Id: <>

On 4/17/2004 7:34:51 AM, wrote:
> im worried and thinking i should have convinced him to do the biopsy

Well, on my end of things I would say always biopsy as a matter of
course. We, unfortunately, learned this the hard way. None of us, my vet
included, though what my boy Carter had was cancerous, so we didn't do
pathology right away, but it was... My vet assures me that the cancer was
so aggressive that it likely wouldn't have mattered, but I keep thinking...
what if? I know that's just my experience, but after losing him last week,
I tell you we will always biopsy anything that is removed.

Is there a vet school or some such in your area that will do pathology work
for a reduced price? $100 sounds a bit steep for the part of the country I
live in. Also, if you can get the vet to release the tissue and take it in
yourself, you'll save the vet's markup.
