Message Number: SG8400 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-03-29 10:49:17 UTC
Subject: poor muscle tone
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I have an 18 month old male ferret named Jasper,who is very healthy according to his vet. He used to be on a poor diet, and during developmental stages of growth, he weighed in at 4lbs. Now he weighs in at 2.5 lbs and is very energetic. The problem I see is that he seems to have poor muscle tone.

I compared him to his cage mates who have very firm bodies, whereas Jasper's body is not he is missing one toe, which I think may be the reason he sometimes seems off balance.

The other ferrets, Joey and Bobo, approximately the same age, dominate over him which upsets me because Jasper is very vocal and dooking sometimes seems like whining and crying for help.

Anyway, back to the problem..Is there anyway I can help Jasper firm up his muscles so he won't be so helpless around his cagemates? I really feel sorry for him.
