Message Number: SG8342 | New FHL Archives Search
From: "Dan Muldoon"
Date: 2004-03-23 22:04:44 UTC
Subject: Lupron and Melatonin (simultaneous)
To: "Ferret Health List" <>
Message-ID: <013301c41122$dc4dc120$269a8693@URD0031464191>

I have a petite (a little over 1 lb. or about 500 g) girl named Natasha who
went double adrenalectomy last fall. It wasn't possible to get all the tumor
out and her adrenal symptoms are returning. Because her remaining tumor was
up around her liver, Dr. thinks surgery is too risky so Natasha is going to
get Lupron. I'd also like to have her get a mink melatonin implant. Natasha
is also on prednisolone for insulinoma and I'd hate to give her any
unnecessary stress.

Has anyone gotten both done in the same vet visit? My significant other had
one of her fuzzies treated with the implant, so I know how big those needles
are. I'd like to take care of both in the same visit, but I'm wondering if
it would be safer to space them out, to avoid either adverse local reactions
or stressing out the animal.
Thanks in advance!

Felix, Oscar, Natasha, Nora