Message Number: SG8232 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-03-14 23:57:36 UTC
Subject: update on HOBS and the mysterious illness ALSO question about ferrets and flying
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Hello Everyone. (See below for my question about ferrets and flying.)
I posted a month or so back and I wanted to send an update to those who had read
my post before. I decided to take my Hobs to a ferret specialist in Nova Scotia. It
required us to travel quite some hours but it was worth it.
I had all of his files from his original vet forwarded to the specialist. The vet assured
me that Hobs appeared to be doing very well (this is after he had undergone x-rays,
ultrasound, and exploratory surgery from original vet). Just to be sure we performed
a blood test which came back perfectly normal on all counts.
So my little hobs who had lost a ton of weight and lots of fur appears to be normal.
The vet said he can never really be sure what caused the above losses but that right
now he is a healthy ferret. Since then he has gained back his weight and fur.
Perhaps he just had a touch of the flu or some other bug!?!? Regardless he is back in
perfectly good health. YEAH!!!! WOOHOO!!
Thanks to everyone for their advice!!

Now for a new question: In a little over a month I will be flying across Canada with
my ferrets. It's about a 6 hour flight but there are no plane changes. I would like to
know any advice about flying with ferrets. They told me that there is a max of 2
ferrets per carrier. I have three ferrets so one of them has to be put in a carrier
alone. One of the carriers will be placed in a pressurized and heated compartment
of the luggage while the other carrier can be held in cabin. Will my ferrets be

[Moderator's Note: replies need to be health or behavioral. Other info on flying
should be send privately to this poster since it will be OT but possibly appreciated
by the poster.]