Message Number: SG8188 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-03-08 17:10:37 UTC
Subject: RE: reactions to two shots
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Okay let me get this straight.... if not one of my ferrets ever showed a
reaction much less a side effect from the rabies shot (imrab3), but have only
had two ferrets have isolated mild reactions to fervac ..... then it would be
pretty safe to do both shots at the same time? I've been seperating them
which is very hard at times, not to mention expensive. It's not too hard on
their bodies to get both if they've shown no reaction ever to one (or either) of
the shots? Because that sure would make my life easier if I could just go on
and get both at the same time from now on.
I'm such a putz but I can't remember the benedryl dosage for
pretreatment. Was it .1ml per lb? or per ferret... or what?
