Message Number: SG8098 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-03-03 03:45:39 UTC
Subject: Virus/infections & Insulinomic response?
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Have a strange sort of syndrome going on in my household and I was wonderin=
g if anyone has ever heard of a virus or infection which causes an insulino=
mic reaction in ferrets. I have 3 ferrets who have started having seizures=
or comatose states in the past 2 months. They have had blood tests which =
show their glucose as being low but have not had the fasting test for insul=
inoma. They are being maintained on regular gruel feedings and one with Az=
ium in addition to the feedings. The only other symptom, which started 2-3=
weeks after the insulinoma reactions, is diahrrea which has been solved wi=
th Metronidazole and Diaransyl. Their diet has not been changed recently a=
nd they are all being fed high quality foods and no treats. The only new t=
hing in the past 5 months is moving into a new home. Today I had to rush o=
ne of my little girls to the vet in a horrible seizure- her glucose was tes=
ted at 16 (possibly from glucometer) and I have only seen her slightly coma=
tose 1 month ago-no symptoms other than that and diarrhea. I have been doi=
ng a little research and came up with maybe the idea of sepsis? I cannot f=
ind much info. on it and am unsure if this could be one of the possibilitie=
s. Anyone have any ideas??
