Message Number: SG7449 | New FHL Archives Search
From: "Sue Liszewski"
Date: 2004-01-16 05:46:37 UTC
Subject: RE: [ferrethealth] RE: Raja: Spinal X Ray available on line!
Message-ID: <>

If for some reason they don't have it CT or MRI are good too just more
expensive. Be sure you bring all info from all tests already done including
your x rays. Best of luck to you but they can consult with many areas there
and perhaps you can at least get more direction on treatment.

Dr. Sue

>Subject: [ferrethealth] RE: Raja: Spinal X Ray available on line!
>Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 23:16:57 +0000 (GMT)
>Dear Dr. Williams and Dr. Susan
>Thank you very much for your comments. I understand that it's not easy to
>interprete a X ray photo, therefore I really appreciate your attention and
>I have an appointment tomorrow in a vet school and I will ask for a
>myelogram. Hope they make that here in Brazil. Hope as well it explain why
>she has paresis and convulsion.
>I've added the X ray pictures in my personal website and included the
>report which is unfortunately in portugues since I could not translate all
>those medical terms. Sorry.
>the link is :
> xray.htm
> exams.htm
>If you would prefer, I can mail the X-ray in the orignal size to your
>private mail.Please let me know !
>The vet who was treating her told me that her spine was a trash and the
>cervical inflamation was causing the convulsion because affected the brain
>and that's what I informed in the forum.
>I will look for information about spondylosis in order to learn more.
>Thanks for everything and I will keep you all informed !
>Our kindest regards,
>Paty, Pikku and Raja
> > Dear Paty:
> > I will first admit that looking at reduced radiographs online is no
>substitute for looking at them up close and personal, but I fail to see all
>of the problems that are in the report, and I am somewhat concerned that
>the changes may be overinterpreted. I do believe that I see some
>spondylosis at L3-L4, but that certainly doesn't explain Raja's paresis. I
>don't see anything of note in the interdisc spaces, and nothing in the
>cervical area. If there were cervical problems, the front limbs would be
>affected as well. Possible lesions of spinous processes usually are of
>little clinical significance, as the spinous processes are the pointy parts
>pointing up toward the skin, and do not impinge on the spinal cord at all.
> > I have learned over the years not to over-interpret spinal radiographs
>in ferrets. If anything, I might want to examine the lumbar spinal cord a
>little bit more, but I am not seeing a spinal degenerative process of note
>in these particular studies. In the States, at a large referral hospital,
>the next step would be a myelogram to trace the outline of the spinal cord
>itself. Interruptions in an outline points to a problem.
> > With kindest regards,
> > bruce williams, dVM
> > Author wrote:
> > > Hi everybody,
> > > I create an album with pictures of Raja's X-Ray which shows the spinal
>bones degeneration.
> > > Please take a look at the link:
> > >
> > > I will try to translate the report into English, but it's very
>complicate with so much medical terms. Therefore I am sorry for my
> > > Interdisc problems at C 4-5, C 5-6, C 7-8, with some spinous process
> > > • Possible radiotransparence close to the spinous process C7
> > > • Problems at L 2-3
> > > • Radiotransparences areas close to the spinous process L1
> > > • Irregular borders at L 1-2, L2-3, e L 3-4
> > > • No right rip at T 14.
> > > If someone has some problems to visualize, please let me know.
> > > Greetings, Paty, Pikku and Raja
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
>If you want to share pictures, use the calendar, or start a vote
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