Message Number: SG11464 | New FHL Archives Search
From: "Carol Rickel"
Date: 2004-11-18 19:03:57 UTC
Subject: Ferret With a Golf Ball Size Tumor in Her Throat
To: <>
Message-ID: <04549F659527FD40BC81885CFFBB29CD2173AC@stmary.AECF.ORG>



I have a wonderful (well, aren't they all) little 4 year old girl who has a=
tumor in her throat! We discovered this just this week when we noticed th=
at she looked like she had swallowed an inner tube! We got her right into =
our vet who diagnosed her as having a golf-ball sized tumor. He gave her a=
shot of Dexamethasone SP. We were allowed to pick her up that night with =
instruction to administer =BD tablet of 5 mg Prednisone once a day to try a=
nd shrink this.


I just talked with my vet who wants her in for surgery on MONDAY (11/22). =
He advises us that there is a VERY GOOD RISK that she could bleed to death =
during this surgery, because this is so close to the jugular; but that it m=
ust be removed before it starts pressing on, and compromising, both her tra=
chea and esophagus.


We have scheduled the surgery, but are instructed that, IF we think the tum=
or is shrinking in size, and we see improvement over the next several days,=
we will not have to bring her in.


He has NEVER PERFORMED THIS SURGERY, and said he couldn't even really find =
anything from other vets on it.


PLEASE - Can someone HELP!!!?????


I love this vet, and I do trust him; but.............

