Message Number: SG11325 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-11-04 20:36:22 UTC
Subject: Re: Shampooing Carpet
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I have Ferrets and I also own a carpet cleaning company....I have to disagree, any over the counter product isn't very good for ferrets. The profesional ones when rinsed with a truck mounted steam cleaner is the leaves practicly no residue whatsoever. The reason the over the counter chemicals are too harsh is because the carpet cleaning machines sold to consumers are so weak that they can't finish the job of cleaning and they leave at least 25% of the chemical on the carpet, or push it back in.

The method you mentioned is good for minor stains, but for the good of the ferret and the carpet I wouldn't recomend using it on the entire carpet.


Author wrote:
> The people we bought our carpet shampooer from suggested this way to shampoo.
> By a small garden insecticide sprayer
> Fill with diluted carpet shampoo (according to directions on shampoo)
> Spray a section, let sit for a few minutes
> Go over with carpet shampooer filled only with water to rinse
> Repeat over entire carpet
> They said this rinses the carpet better which is not only better for our
> little ones but also better for the carpet. Shampoo residue which is left on
> the carpet when we use the shampooers as directed by the manufacturer, attracts
> and holds on to the "new" dirt.
> Tiffany and Cindy