Message Number: SG10912 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-10-03 19:04:04 UTC
Subject: Thank you and a new post-op question (neurological symptoms?)
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Thank you for all responses regarding surgery on a ferret with Lymphoma!

After thinking about it and reading responses, I opted for surgery on haggis.
He has surgery on Thursday and they removed a tumor and 15% of his pancreas
along with a liver biopsy. Everything else looks good inside the abdomen (of
course, he has had all adrenals removed along with his spleen so there isn't
much left!)

I ended up opting ofr the surgery due to the surgeons' experience and the
technology used (ventilator, individual ICU units). He remained overnight and did
well keeping a good appetite and alert.

My latest question is in hind end weakness post-op.
All my other ferrets have been younger and did not have lymphoma when the
surgery was performed--so this is new to me since they were walking much sooner
than him.

Haggis is a 7 year old male with lympha and recovering from insulinoma
surgery. He had one seizure one week prior to surgery and exhibited some hind end
weakness both prior and post seizure.
Considering what he had going on, he was sturdy and strong for surgery. His
main issue is shis weight in the post op. He is about 3lb 7oz. He has a large
pred belly.

The day after surgery (Friday) I had him in the hotel (we travelled from out
of state to the vet) and he was walking a little. I let him do this only 2x.
He walked to the corner to urinate and back (about 15 feet each time). It was
wobbly but he was definately walking.

On Saturday we travelled home from the vet and he looked more relaxed and
alert compared to Friday. The problem is, he isn't walking.
He takes a few steps then he flops and his legs fall behind him or to the
sides. He will get up and go to the litter (I have him in a small cage) use it
and then back to his sleep sack if I am not there to help him.
I do not want to push him and I am hoping that he just over did it on Friday
with the walking. He also might not be able to support his own legs with the
big fat belly --- but I also worry about neuro issues. I know that is a problem
that might occur is the lymphoma spreads to his central nervous system. I
don't konw what else to look for regarding neruo symptoms if he is not walking.
Can anyone help?

Has anyone else had a fat ferret ferret that didn't walk right after surgery?
What other neruological problems should I look for?

I am not sure of the next step.
Haggis is eating Bob Church's chicken gravy with gusto every 6 hours (he
hasn't eaten kibble in over a year). His lungs and heart sound good. He is
breathing is like any other post op ferret. He seems to have minimal pain and is
interested in what is going on. I have limited his space to an even smaller cage
but i also don't want his legs to atrophy and not be able to hold up his

Any suggestions??

meagan and haggis