Message Number: SG10752 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-09-19 04:37:52 UTC
Subject: RE: Help! My ferret is sick
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Given the vomiting, her age and the fact that she had a rubber toy that you suspect she may have chewed, this is HIGHLY suggestive of a foreign body.

If it was me, I'd want my vet to go in before it is too late. If she's eating some and passing some stool it's not a total intestinal blockage yet, and may never be, but if that happens, you have little time to act. Do it now before it is too late. It may be that the rubber is in her stomach and not her intestines and this is what caused her to appear to recover for a few days. If a large enough piece does manage to enter into the intestines, you have a critical and possible fatal problem and time is of the essence.

Also, make sure you thoroughly examine every nook and cranny of the house for any remaining bits of the toy.

By the way, attachments to emails are not permitted here so your photos did not make it. Medical photos can be uploaded to the photo section on the FHL website.

Author wrote:
> My ferret Julia (female, 6 months) has been ill lately. Initially, she began vomiting, grinding her teeth, not eating too much and had some small black stools, so we finally took her to emergency care on the evening of tuesday 9/7/04. We thought she may have eaten a teething toy (which we later discovered was intended for dogs) given to us by the pet store when we got her.