Message Number: SG10721 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Helga Clark
Date: 2004-09-17 15:08:59 UTC
Subject: Re: (ferret health) Propecia cost/question about crushers
Message-ID: <>

>[Moderator's question: Am I misreading? It sounds like you are spending about 25
>cents per dose of the Propecia & 30cents per mil Pediapred

You are correct, it comes out to about 25 cents per 1/8 of a tab for Propecia and 36cents per mil of Pediapred. Last 120mil bottle was $43.32. I was told that prednisone tabs are less but I want to stay with prednisolone.
Why do you think you are misreading, does this sound lower or higher then what you all are paying? I'm sure prices would differ from State to State.

I know that a few cents actually don't look like much but when you have a lot of ferrets on meds, it does add up.:~))

Actually had a good laugh this morning from a reply on 'how to solve the Propecia problem.' I'll share it with you.:~)) :~))

<"OR, find yourself a nice older man and make him an offer he
<can't refuse in exchange for his meds :)

(The one who's motor runs on ferret kisses.)

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