Message Number: SG10238 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-08-25 22:19:24 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] Auto immune thrombocytopenia
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Author wrote:
> Stanley was never on any meds. He hasn't been outside since his little trip
> to Petco in June. He urinated a bright green! What could cause that????
> Mary

Some past vet posts on causes other than an adrenal tumor which has moved to the liver, or kidney disease. These fit your case better.
from Dr. Williams including:

>Another possibility in cases of green urine is hemolytic anemia - I
>have seen it occasionally in severe hemolytic anemias with urine
>bilirubins through the roof. Green urine can also be a sign of
>severe urinary tract infection, possibly as a result of adrenal
>disease, prostatic disease, and urine retention.

>Unfortunately, my experience is that green urine is not a good sign,
>and indicates serious disease. I think that a CBC, chemistry, and
>urinalysis are better performed sooner than later.
from Dr. Murray including:

>Green urine may actually be a sign of a liver problem.
from Dr. Murray including:

>Biliverdin is green in color and can give the
>urine a green color. Biliverdin is usually converted
> to bilirubin. Bilirubin is yellow in color. High bilirubin
>will cause jaundice (yellow color to skin, eyes,etc.).
> As Dr Williams pointed out, destruction of red blood
> cells can also cause increased biliverdin and a green color
> to the urine along with some other possible causes.
>From Dr. Williams including:

>At necropsy, an animal in liver failure can also have green
>discoloration of the kidney tissue as well ("cholemic nephrosis") and
>in really bad cases, the liver is green too.