Message Number: SG10029 | New FHL Archives Search
From: "Joanne D'Amico"
Date: 2004-08-15 04:55:24 UTC
Subject: RE: Diarrhea
To: "Ferret Health Digest" <>
Message-ID: <002401c48284$13b6d660$230110ac@OFFICE>

It can be so many things - stress, helicobacter, IBD, etc. While you are tr=
ying to figure it out, one of the best things I have tried has been plain c=
anned pumpkin, preferably mixed with equal parts duck soup or Bob C's chick=
en gravy. A ferret buddy who is into holistic medicine recommended it to me=
, and my vet gave it her blessing - said she had used it on dogs before. I =
have used it for years, on fuzzies recovering from ECE, one with IBD and as=
sorted other GI problems. And even my fuzzies with insulinoma did well on i=
t - didn't upset their blood sugar levels. Another ferret buddy had a ferre=
t who would take it right off the spoon - loved it. (Don't get pumpkin pie =
mix, which contains sugar and spices, just plain canned pumpkin). I freeze =
it in small 2-4 oz containers and thaw as needed every 2-3 days ...

End of ferrethealth Digest