Message Number: SG7203 | New FHL Archives Search
From: "Sue Liszewski"
Date: 2003-12-29 05:19:50 UTC
Subject: RE: [ferrethealth] Raja does not have seizure anymore !!
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I know if there was a compression of a dick the best thing would have been
surgery to relieve the pressure on the spinal cord. The drugs you mentioned
are not things I use here. We use Rimadyl but that would not be my choice
here. I assume the Flotryl is prob the equivalent to our Baytril which is
an antibiotic. Not familiar with the others. The Rimadyl is a Nonsteroidal
antiinflammatory and not what I use for neuro inflammation. I would use
forms of cortisone and for all I know that is what some of the othe things
you mentioned are, if they are I would not use them with Rimadyl it is very
hard on the stomach and can cause ulcers. I would be absolutely certain no
other cause. Worse case scenario it a tumor putting pressure on the cord.
We do myelograms here to find out what the narrowing is caused by. My
choices of treatment here are Dexamethasone inj high doses to start and
reduce the dose when they are improving (prednisoline is an alternative, but
I usu start with the former and change later). I use H2 blockers with that
such as tagamet or pepcid to protect the stomach. You might consider an
antibiotic that penetrates the nervous system (just in case) like a Sulfa or
Chloamphenicol. I would contineue the nerve stimulation, consider
chiropractic eval if you have it and definitly continue the physical
therapy. During times without therapy, keep her confined and massage so she
does not cause any further injury. It is a lot of work and no guarentee,
but I have seen miraculous things happen, but it is a slow process. Any
improvement at all is significant, poor indicators are progressive
worsening. Neurologists say it can take sometimes 6 months to 1 year or
greater. If you perservere you may have a chance. Best of Luck and hope
this helps. PLEASE let me know what happens.

Dr. Sue
>Subject: RE: [ferrethealth] Raja does not have seizure anymore !!
>Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2003 15:05:36 +0000 (GMT)
>Thank you very much for your reply. Raja is now 5 years old, so not so
>young anymore:-(.She had 10 days of flotryl 2/5% 0,10ml 2x day (subQ) for
>10 days, and 1mg of rimadyl 2x day also for 10 days. The flotryl is over
>but she still gets the rimadyl.Raja was okay and once she stopped moving
>the hind legs for 3 or 4 days. We gave her citoneurin (i donĀ“t know if the
>medicaments in brazil are the same in USA) and she got better.For 2 month
>she was walking perferclty and playing, suddenly she had again the problem.
>We gave dexa citoneurin, benflogin, sedalene and nothing works. She had
>that strange seizure was hospitalized for 4 days and since them she does
>not move the hind legs anymore.She got better in a way, because now she
>feels when we touch or pinch her toes.We made also a X ray that showed a
>problem in the 12th vertebra(got tight)Every day we put her in a warm water
>and make exercise with her legs and estimulates the nerves with a needle
>!According to your experience, do you think she can be fine again ?All the
>best for you in the new year !!!Greetings, Paty, Pikku and RajaAuthor
>wrote:> Depends on the cause, but the nervouse system can be a remarkable
>thing.> Young animals injured traumatically have come back and some others
>have to,> so you can always hope for the best. Is Raja on any meds? What
>were the> circumstances of Raja's paralysis? Good Luck and Miracles happen
>have seen> them.> Dr. Sue
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