Message Number: SG7135 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-12-18 17:26:51 UTC
Subject: Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
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To the vets: My 1 year old ferret is diagnosed with autoimmune hemolytic anemia. He has been to the vet twice. His pvc was 7% and was given a transfusion. He is currently on Hills A/D diet and pedialyte every 4 hours.

He was still eating and drinking until yesterday, and now refuses to eat. We have to force feed him. He is very pale still and very weak, but has normal poop.

His vet asked me to find out what you might suggest for him or if there is any hope for him. I would appreciate any advice you could give on this matter. We love our little fuzzbutt so much and he is so young.
