Message Number: SG6604 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-11-12 02:35:54 UTC
Subject: RE: Viral Infection, Lymphoma or Hairball?or IBD-UPDATE
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Dear Lisa:

Yes, all of those diseases are in the differential diagnosis at this point (LSA, IBD, hairball). Right now, I'm wondering why Flagyl is being used, as it is not indicated for nay of those diseases, and the stress of administration may result in another problem - gastric ulcers.

I think, based on all of the information, the decision to do a biopsy at this point is a good one. IBD is certainly at the top of the list, and lymphoma is likely at the bottom. Surgery is probably the best option to treat this in the long-term - otherwise we will continue to shoot from the hip, and administer a lot of meds on the off chance that they will help...

With kindest regards,

Bruce Williams, dVM

Author wrote:
> Author wrote:
> > Hello All,
> > My question is, without the intestinal biopsy, does this appear to maybe be IBD or could it be a hairball or is there still a chance it could be Lympho? And are there any less drastic/costly diagnostics to figuring this out besides surgery? My instincts tell me to go ahead with the surgery, figuring the Dr. will probably have to go in anyway (still thinking hairball), but if there's a way, I don't want to put Frankie through anything unnecessary.
> Thanks for any opinions or advice,
> Lisa

End of ferrethealth Digest