Message Number: SG6525 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-11-04 22:52:02 UTC
Subject: RE: Minnie''''''''''''''''s Insulinoma
Message-ID: <>

Minnie is a very small girl and Yes she get's 0.2ml in her syringe. She's going
with me Satureday and were going to have her bg done again and see what else
can be done if surgery or more meds. Thanks for getting my mistake. Anna
and Minnie

Author wrote:
> Anna, it that 0.2 ml or o.2 milligrams?

[Moderator note: Please, note that we still need to know the mg amount to
know how much medication is given; the ml amount doesn't tell that because
we don't know the concentration. Did you call your vet and ask if the dose can
be changed before your visit because of the symptoms?]