Message Number: SG6288 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-10-12 01:53:16 UTC
Subject: RE: ECE Recovery Advice
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Yes, it was the Miami shelter that got hit big time back when ECE first arrived on the scene (1993-94?), but I was not yet connected with the shelter. Angela Espinet has to get full credit for single-handedly caring for 100+ ferrets, all infected with ECE at the same time. If you think taking care of one or two with this terrible disease is tough (and it is!), you can imagine what it would be like to have 100 ferrets infected with ECE at the same time.

I don't recall the exact numbers, but I believe around 15 were lost. Considering how little was known about ECE at the time, that is a very small number. I'm proud to have worked with Angela and I have learned a LOT from her, having dealt with ECE in my own and seeing how she cared for others that had it.


Author wrote:
> Mike is certainly someone who knows ECE. If I recall right didn't a shelter you managed get hit and you managed to save all of the ferrets?