Message Number: SG6022 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-09-10 15:14:25 UTC
Subject: old mans health problem?
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I recently noticed my 1yr old that I got from the shelter still had not
put on any weight. When i took him home i got him a check up. He was 1.5
lbs skin and bones. Blood work was fine. So I took him home. I handle
him alot because he is a special needs ferret. He seemed to be getting
Old man eats good, some times the poop isnt good. Well I went to a
different Vet. His weight went
down to 1.0 lb. The vet gave me antibiotics and Vita-cal gel. I noticed
the weight is slowly coming back, and regular movements.

He has been off the medicine and now his Poop is slimy mucus and very
watery looking. Still eating good and active again. Should I retest
his blood. or just give him some time before i take him back?