Message Number: SG5944 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Steve Austin
Date: 2003-09-03 22:48:48 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] RE: sudden mystery disease..spiking fever, Beeker
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I got one vial from the vet for about $70, I had a friend order it for
me at cost, and it was about $30. You can get a prescription and
take it to Walgreens/CVS, etc and shop around for the best price.
The vial would be one shot worth
in a human, but for the ferret it lasted me awhile, I only had to use
a small amount and I think it was about 2 months worth in the one vial.
It does come in different strengths, the strength I used was the smallest
it comes at so that at least I could measure the dose. If I got the more
concentrated one I would have more shots per vial as long as the dose
was not so small it wasn't measurable on the syringe. Keep it in the
and it has a decent shelf life. I know it did work for the ferret I gave
it to, in fact so good I had to stop early because her HCT was high.
I gave the shots myself.


On Wed, 3 Sep 2003 18:37:01 +0100 (BST) writes:
> Hi Russ,
> I have never used the Epogen for my ferrets, myself, so I don't
> know. I asked my vet about it with Bandit, and he mentioned it was
> expensive; it seemes to me it was in the $170 range for a container
> which I believe had a relatively short shelf life. Definitely not
> the $1200 range!
> Hopefully one of our vets can share what the cost of this would be,
> or I can ask my vet Friday when I'm there.
> Julie

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