Message Number: SG5541 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-07-28 15:44:03 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] respiratory infection
Message-ID: <>

I am not sure what area you reside in. It appears at this point u have tried
options of meds. Have u tried a humidifier, I once used a saline spray I got
from the grocery store. Very basic baby nose spray that was just saline. U
may get some lotion for the ferts nose so it does not become so raw. Make
sure the fert is eating and drinking enough. I would try anything that I could
think of within reason to see what works. Check the areas that your fert comes
in contact with. Make sure there are not any artificial perfumes on it.

I have only encounter one fert with a problem like this. The saline spray
really helped.
