Message Number: SG5515 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-07-25 21:26:14 UTC
Subject: Bioimmune 26
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Someone has recently suggested I try giving an egg protien called bioimmune 26 to my ferrets in their food to keep them healthy (this guy gives it to his dogs and eats it himself). He claims it is an egg protien produced from chickens that have been innoculated with various organisms to produce a hyperimmune egg. Has anyone ever heard of this? It sounds pretty far fetched to me. I do give them the hairball malt given to cats per my vets advise but usually they get straight Marshal diet with ferretone. Is adrenal disease an autoimmune condition? If so it would seem this would be counterproductive (if these claims could even be true).

End of ferrethealth Digest