Message Number: SG5330 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Mohr
Date: 2003-07-12 03:26:20 UTC
Subject: help with virus -- vets? (or anyone else?)
Message-Id: <>

Two weeks ago, all four of my little ones came down with an intestinal
virus. The symptoms were lack of appetite and dark green, gooey
diarrhea. We hauled all four to the vet who did a fecal and couldn't
really find anything wrong, so we concluded that it was indeed a virus. It
seemed to hit proportionally hard by age -- our youngest was fine the next
day, while our oldest, 7 yrs old, actually refused *ferretone* for about
four days. I had to hand-feed her.

Strangely, everyone has now recovered more or less completely except our 4
yr old boy, Carter. He is eating and acting mostly normal, though a bit
less perky than usual. He isn't really dehydrated. However, he continues
to have dark green, slimey, almost liquid poops. He is bonier than usual
now and I am worried about him. I have no idea why his problem is
lingering. (He and Gabrielle, the two oldest with the worst problems, were
put on Clavamox, BTW, and are just now finishing it off.)

Does anyone have any suggestions, other than supportive care? It has been
two weeks solid now for him of nasty poop, and I am beginning to get
concerned because he isn't recovering like the others.
