Message Number: SG5169 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-07-01 16:20:49 UTC
Subject: RE: Fruitarian ferret normal?
Message-ID: <>

First: throw out food with large pieces of dried fruits and veggies -- immediately. Dried banana (the standard store bought ones, not homemade ones that aren't done with oils and also aren't as dry) and dried carrots have alreaady sent ferrets to emergency surgery for blockages.

Secondly, the only way to now his weight for sure is by using a scale, and it always makes sense to have a good one around.

Ferrets imprint on food types when young; there is variability depending on the individual and the individual's background, but many who didn't have meat as kits won't accept it as adults, though you may find that he will like a different flavor of babyfood or like a/d.

If he's otherwise healthy though, you should realize that the way to turn things around is for him to get a lot of exercise -- hours outside his cage in a ferret-proofed area every day and a lot of active play. He needs that; it is an essential for his physicial and mental welbeing. Yes, a friend also could help him, but only if they both get the play/investigation/exercise time they need.