Message Number: SG4438 | New FHL Archives Search
From: "April Armstrong Campbell"
Date: 2003-05-09 15:42:56 UTC
Subject: flea control 2-flea collars, etc
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Flea collars are bad b/c they're toxic to pets-the chemicals in most flea c=
ollars and sprays, powders, flea dips (very bad in general, unless administ=
ered by a vet) and most over-the-counter drops are very, very toxic, and co=
uld be ingested, and even skin contact can cause drooling, vomiting, lethar=
gy, diarrhea, death. Look out for pyrethrins (check out the archives here =
and on the FML about those-I've done more detailed posts in the past). Har=
tz just had to recall their OTC flea drops this fall b/c of the problems as=
sociated with them and the high illness and mortality rate among animals wh=
o'd been treated with their once-a-month flea drops. Children, who are mor=
e sensitive and susceptible to these products, can be harmed by these produ=
cts, too-pet Fluffy or Bandit, then put your fingers in your mouth and get =
sick-kind of scary.

Products like Advantage, Revolution and Frontline have proven much safer an=
d more effective, and have safer flea and tick control chemicals. =

The collars are bad for the same reason we tell our bird owners not to use =
mite protectors-they're not necessarily effective, and they basically just =
emit toxic fumes and chemicals at your pet all day.

Incidentally, the best use for a flea collar is putting it in your vaccum b=
ag if you have a flea problem-it'll help kill fleas and eggs that you vaccu=
m up in your home.

-April =