Message Number: SG3569 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Pam Sessoms
Date: 2003-03-11 03:05:49 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] glucose levels after part of pancreas removed
To: Sarah Nothelfer <>
Message-ID: <>


I'm not a vet but have had several ferrets with insulinoma and partial

> Hi. My ferret just had surgery for insulinoma. He had many tumors and
> part of his pancreas was removed.

Is the tissue being sent out for histopathology? Dr. Williams has posted
previously that ferrets can have an age-related change where the pancreas
looks nodular, and sometimes that can look like many insulinomas. The
histopath will tell you for sure whether or not insulinomas were among the
tissues removed.

> I had his glucose rechecked after surgery. He had eaten about an hour
> earlier (vet didn't want a fasting) and his glucose was 80. The vet
> said that was ok but I was concerned.

What was his blood sugar like before surgery? If 80 is a lot higher than
he had been, then that might still be an improvement. But yes, I'd be
concerned as well; generally those numbers pop up after surgery while the
body works to even things out in response to the insulinoma going away.
It's not uncommon for them to even swing to diabetic for a time.

> I just bought a Freestyle monitor and after 6 hours of fasting, his
> glucose was 50.

This glucometer definitely seems to give low values for some ferrets. I
wouldn't be overly concerned about the 50 on the Freestyle yet, since you
just started using it. If you had pre-op numbers from the Freestyle,
you'd have comparable numbers. An non-fasting 80 at the vet's and a 50 on
the Freestyle might jive OK. I'd suggest using the Freestyle to see
trends from here on out, and if you can get a value from the vet's
equipment and on the Freestyle at the same time, that'd be good.

> So, does having less pancreas alter levels of glucose? Or should I be
> looking at putting him on meds?

The hope with the partial pancreatectomy is complete removal of
insulin-secreting tissue... Having less pancreas does not automatically
mean having lower blood sugar. Ferrets have a lot of "extra" pancreas,
and the regular ranges of blood sugar values still apply to a ferret who
has undergone this surgery.

About meds. I'd get the tissue looked at by a pathologist to help decide
what to do next, to see if the insulinoma was removed or if it might still
be in there. And watch for how he does compared to how he was prior to
surgery, and watch the blood sugars - definitely get tests done at the
vet's office in addition to your home tests. If he continues to have low
blood sugar, meds might be needed.

Good luck, spoil him rotten now as he recovers!

Best wishes,
-Pam S.