Message Number: SG3547 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-03-08 00:19:56 UTC
Subject: RE: Melatonin Implants
Message-ID: <23243539.1047082796632.JavaMail.root@scandium>

This is a portion of a message(#1100)posted here by Dr. Murray on where to get the implants...

"Your vet can order the mink male melatonin implants from
the company that makes them at 1-800-206-7227.
They come in packages of 100, 500, and 1,000.
The also need a special syringe (implant device) and
special needles (12ga.) that can be ordered from the company."


Author wrote:
> Can anyone provide information when I, or my vet, can obtain the 4 month melatonin implants? I have contacted Dr. Murray also.
> Katharin