Message Number: SG3507 | New FHL Archives Search
From: "Roger Vaughn"
Date: 2003-03-05 19:48:34 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] Acupuncture
To: <>
Message-ID: <>

No, I don't have that experience - with people, yes, but not with

The way I see it though, it can only help, it can't hurt, so you might
as well give it a try and let us know how it goes. I still don't see
how you can get a ferret to sit still for the treatment without
knocking him out, so perhaps you can find that out and explain it to
us, too. :-)

The needles are usually placed just barely into the skin, so it really
doesn't hurt. (I once had one placed deep in my foot for a case of
plantar fascitis. The AP said it was supposed to hurt like hell, but
even that one didn't bother me.) The procedure is a snap, but I have
not heard one way or the other about it helping any animals.

Good luck,

roger & the wolverine wannabees
missing bear