Message Number: SG3244 | New FHL Archives Search
From: "Joel Cohen"
Date: 2003-02-12 14:26:53 UTC
Subject: lupron substitute
To: "Ferret Health List" <>
Message-ID: <03f301c2d2a2$e8433a10$0469f5d1@HTS>

We have used Lupron shots successfully on several older ferrets who we felt=
might not recouperate from a second adrenal operation. We have a 7 year ol=
d female who is quite frail and does not seem to be responding to Lupron so=
me time after her third monthly shot. A friend, who can't remember what it =
was, told us her vet had used an alternative injectable drug with good resu=
lts (measured by hair growth). Can someone identify what that might be and =
comment on it please?


Mary & Joel Cohen