Message Number: SG2846 | New FHL Archives Search
From: cobalt
Date: 2003-01-08 17:00:05 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] re: yeast infection?
Message-Id: <18204070.1042047466536.JavaMail.nobody@strontium>

She did check it under a microscope and verified definitely yeast.

My vet is a really good vet--if she doesn't know about something she will
research it for me...I just felt that the adrenal potential wasn't checked
closely enough, which is why I was asking.
This way, I can take information back to her and have her look at him again...


>you wrote:
>ear mites ratehr than a yeat infection. Did the vet look at the sample
>under a microscope?
[excess quoting snipped by moderator]