Message Number: YG9977 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Jen & Andre
Date: 2002-01-09 22:31:00 UTC
Subject: C.E.T. enzymatic dentifrice...

I saw something awful tonight... Since Newton's been
declining I've had her on a supplement of soft food. It's done
a number on her teeth. I took my dog's toothpaste and rubbed a
little on either side of her mouth a few days ago. I noticed
tonight she isn't eating so I checked her mouth. One side of
her upper lip (over her canine) is tough, swollen, white and
has a black edge. It seems to be very painful and I am
thinking it's gangrene. Could I have caused this with the
enzymatic toothpaste? She's on pred and I know that's an
immune inhibitor.
