Message Number: YG13400 | New FHL Archives Search
From: amber1407
Date: 2002-05-31 05:19:00 UTC
Subject: EE info??

I am seeking information about Eosinophilic Enteritis. From the
results of a rectal biopsy, my Vet has finally pinned down that this
is what my little Spook has (though pinning it down is far from
accurate as it is underdetermined as to whether it is caused by a
parasite or allergy - parasite seems unlikely as my other two ferrets
are fine). He was on a course of Flagyl, which, like everything else
we have tried worked for a while, then the symptoms (diahorrea,
weight loss, no appetite) returned. We are now trying a sensitive
stomach kibble and a chicken soup diet. No pure meat baby foods are
available in Australia, but he likes the chicken, getting him to eat
enough is the trouble. He has his good days and his sleepy ones, but
if anyone has anything further to add that would be fab! (Have
already checked out the article on Miamiferret - very helpful)

- amber