Message Number: YG13344 | New FHL Archives Search
From: miamiferret
Date: 2002-05-29 14:53:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Insulinoma Surgery

Ouch. A 10 hour fast for a ferret that is known to be hypoglycemic
is a really, really bad idea. There is USUALLY no reason to fast for
more than 3-4 hours before surgery.

I've had a number of minor surgeries on ferrets that were
hypoglycemic. I believe that if they're on a dextrose IV, low
glucose levels aren't a concern. I'm not a vet though, so don't take
my word on that one. All I know is this is what my vet does and
there hasn't been a problem.


--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., "dookranch" <mike@d...> wrote:
> With a BG test result of 47, our Lucky (a 4 1/2 year old albino ...

> Here's my thoughts. We made the mistake during the last month of
> using raisins to administer the Pred., and the vet had us fast
> for over 10 hours prior to surgery.