Message Number: YG12074 | New FHL Archives Search
From: skeedybeet
Date: 2002-03-28 08:44:00 UTC
Subject: Lyme disease

I was wondering if ferrets can contract lyme disease from tick bites.
I had found one on myself and thinking back there was a small bump on
my ferret about a month ago. It was a little bloody and it then dried
out into a scab clumping in his fur. We though he might have
scratched himself on something but looking back it might have been a
tick. The spot cleared up and he had no change in personality but
once again he has another small bump, scratch or tick. He won't allow
me to check it to closly and his fur is so thick it is hard to tell
for sure.

Can they get lyme if so what treatment is there and what can I safely
use to prevent ticks and fleas from getting at them in the warm
weather to come. They love walks outdoors.
