Message Number: YG11447 | New FHL Archives Search
From: anais7813
Date: 2002-02-25 01:43:00 UTC
Subject: new member -mystery ferret

I just joined but had a ferret concern about my DEW. Last Sunday she
started dragging her back feet and acting lethargic. It cleared up
in a few seconds. We brought her to her vet on Monday, also noticing
she'd only had one bowel movement since the behavior the day before.
I had to do a "drop off" at the vet but when I spoke to them a short
while later they said she was now having some diarrhea. Long story
short when the vet got to her she was letharigc, she was underweight,
having the loose stools. At one point she even had blood in her
stools. She never exhibited the leg problems again. Blood tests,
chem panels all came back fine. Same for x-rays. Sugar was only a
tiny bit low (93 I believe he said). She ended up staying at the vet
all the way til Friday and still no definitive diagnosis. He is
calling it "Inflammatory Bowel Disease" for now and I am to bring her
back in seven days (on Friday). He gave me Amoxil, Flagyl, and some
Pepto Bismol to give her.
Here is my problem, this is only Sunday and I don't think she is
eating. I don't know if I should start force feeding her the baby
food like some of you have suggested. THe doctor didn't say anything
about that. She was active for a little bit today, but now she is
just lethargic and making me really sad and very worried.

Another problem is that the doctor said it was fine for her to play
with our other two fuzzies but I don't want them to get sick. Is
this okay? One of them just had adrenal gland surgery last week.

She has had NO contact with any outside ferrets, neither has the
other two fuzzies. Does this rule out ECE? Should I ask the vet
about "helicobacter"? Our Vet is a wonderful ferret vet and said all
her blood counts etc were normal. Should I try to bring her back
sooner than Friday?

I hope somone can help. I've been scouring the internet all night
looking at different ferret conditions but am still at a loss as to
what is wrong with her. I trust my vet but wish I had some answers.

Thanks for reading guys,
Jennifer and Q-tip